Monday, March 13, 2017

Who says?

So when I started this blog I suppose some assumed that the 365 days might be consecutive... obviously those people don't really know me lol...

This may come to a shock to some of you but I'm actually attending a church these days. Weird huh? I'm just as shocked as you are. However, when I found a place where to preacher says "It's not what we HAVE (our wealth, status, church building, latest gadgets, etc) but who we ARE (in Christ- a family PERIOD) and you want to finally stand up and say "OMG YES FINALLY" then you know you are home.

No church is perfect but there just may be one that's perfect for YOU. I am and have been for years personally one of church's biggest cynics... ya know- besides actual atheists- whom I know and love dearly for their candor and basic un-churchiness (yeah that's a word- my blog so shut up). I've often said that "I love Jesus but I could do with out most of His followers". I'm not super nice, I don't really like sugar coating things- in my opinion a sugar coated turd would still taste like shit and I'm not the type of gal who will feed you that.

I just want to encourage you the un-churched Christian right now. Most people will say "well just get into a church" and I say no. Wait. Wait. Wait. And then if you try and you still get queezy then wait some more. Guess what!? God will still love you. You won't fall off the tree and die. You won't go to hell because you didn't punch your church card. When you feel your heart being tugged toward a family again- then go and try it. Don't force yourself into something because it seems like the right thing to do. Sometimes in our walk church is the last thing we need. I'm sure there will be some that disagree with that statement but they aren't the ones that need to hear it.... HERE is all you need to know- GOD loves you just as you are period. So breath deep, rest, heal, and be still. It will all come together. Honest.

So I suppose here's the start of another journey for me and who knows? Maybe I'll do this for a few more days :) And then again maybe not.

As always... Love,