Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 57 So I suppose spoiled isn't a fruit of the spirit...

Ever feel like your dream was just out of your reach? Like you can smell it, you can taste it, but you just can't grasp it. I've felt like that for a while now, like I'm sitting there waiting to be plucked cause I'm pretty sure I'm ripe but I'm hidden behind all the leaves....

Growing up as a much younger sibling and practically as an only child I'll admit most times I had gotten my way. I hate that now. I never get my own way in real life and realizing that sometimes life stinks was a very painful lesson.

So, how do I over come this in my life and how do I make it better for my children? Where do I find the balance?

I like to see my kids happy now, but wouldn't it be better to see them prosper in real life where it counts and lasts longer? I don't deprive my children for the sole purpose of making them better people, but choosing not to give in all of the time is a choice I am willing to live with.

I think it makes happier, more thankful children. My kids are appreciative of even the little things because they don't experience overload when it comes to christmas and birthdays, holidays are celebrated for what they are and not another halmark excuse for more presents.

One of the reasons I think I'm ok with this is because I've truly fostered a relationship with my children. I not only love them, I like them a lot. They are cool little people and I appreciate them for exactly who God made them. That gives them a sense of wellness and peace no toy could ever muster.

So is this what God is getting at? Trying to foster a true relationship instead of a "genie in a bottle" kind of scenario? What has God given or taken away from you? Was it God or your decision? What has it taught you?



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