Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 23 Tapestry? I have hard time seeing the thread...

For several years now I've heard people describe their spiritual life as a grand tapestry, God is the weaver and we can only see bits and pieces, or even the back of it- but we won't understand what all the ugly pieces are until we see the whole tapestry when life is o' la la...

To be honest I guess I'm just not that romantic anymore. Something has happened in me, it's not that I'm bitter and resentful, just more honest with myself than I used to be. I used to use all sorts of artsy colorful language to describe the Great I AM and my walk with Him. It was exhausting. He deserves grand exuberation and praise, but honest, wholehearted, stripped down to the bone worship --I think-- is what His true preference is... well at least I hope it is cause that's me.

I love God. I truly love Him. Not because of any wonderful thing I have to show for it here in my hands, but my heart is different. My mind is changed. My soul is more healed than it once was.

Scars will always be there to remind me where I've been, but God will always be there to tell me who I am.


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