Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 24 Gut check!

UGH! One of THOSE days... You know the kind right? Nothing on earth is set to move in your direction. You have to go against the grain to do anything at all- which if you have small children and you are a mom that counts going to the bathroom alone! Forget a shower! You drop everything, all you want is a nap, you work insanely hard but at the end of it you can show NOTHING because not one thing got finished, at the end your left exhausted and behind!

I wonder sometimes what heaven will be like because the opposite of one of those days is heavenly to me. I get things done that have been on my list forever, I have abounding energy, positive attitude and extreme focus. I feel invincible!

How messed up is that? My idea of heaven- being with and worshiping my creator for the rest of eternity- and I liken it to ME feeling invincible. Wow. Talk about a gut check.

So inward, so self centered, so unbelievably absorbed in my own world.

Lord help me.


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