Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 44 Grace & Beauty

The amount of grace you can show is directly proportionate to the grace you've been shown...

Grace is a funny thing. We have to let it rain over us. God is a gentleman, never forcing Himself into our lives. The only way that grace has truly drenched me in it's light is when I've come face to face with my human nature, realizing how short I fall from what God deserves out of me. That's the beautiful thing about grace though... the more we acquire, the more we are equipped with to show others.

So next time you run into a "Christian" who is lacking in grace, pray for them. Although it can be terribly difficult to swallow words of a person who professes Christ with their label and deny Him with their actions remember that theirs is a terrible place to be:
To have the knowledge of what Jesus has done for them and not have reaped the benefit of it's beautiful redemption.



  1. I hope that when I leave this earth it will be said of me "she found God's grace too amazing to keep to herself."

  2. Grace is a beautiful thing and it shows in everyone who accepts it! Thanks for sharing love!

  3. Amen ladies:) Kim, I love that quote!
