Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 42: If you feel far away from God guess who moved? GRrrr!

This has to be my most hated Christianese statement.... I would argue it does not have any relevance and that it is over used and totally misused. Whenever someone is struggling with their faith our having some doubt or just miss the mountain top experience or they long to be closer to God this is what they hear- although sometimes there are good intentions...

Is there really ANYthing we can do to make our relationship with God? Can we strive to be more like Christ and "feel" closer to Him? YES! Could we take a wrong path and "feel" further from Him? YES! BUT! BUT BUT BUT!!! Do we actually place ourselves closer or further from God by doing these things? I would say no. We don't do anything to warrant his love and we can't do ANYthing to seperate ourselves from it. So why on earth would we throw around this sediment and guilt people into acting the way we think they should?

We are created uniquely, but still in His image. We will each follow Christ just a little bit differently and have our own experiences. Mine has shown me that I do not have the love of a saviour because of me or anything I do or have done and THANK GOD it can't be lost because of me or anything I will do.

It just is. He just is. Thank you LORD!



  1. Sometimes you need to take a step back from God, be a little further away to see the truth. When I get "God Tunnel Vision" I realize I am actually not getting closer to God...I am just letting everything and everyone block out my periphial vision. Then I cannot see all of my maker. Take a step back...look at your relationship. He is not going anywhere. Neither are you!!!!

  2. God in his infinite wisdom made each and every one of us unique. And in that same wisdom He knew that we would walk near to Him at times and farther at other times. However, in ALL of those times He always knows the love that is constant in our hearts and the faith that we have in the saving grace of Jesus. And it is that knowledge that keep His loving arms of grace around us ALL of the time.
