Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 47: It's on now.

Ever get that feeling you've had enough of mediocrity? I'm there. I've been hanging on, surviving but I can't remember the last time I was thriving. God made me to thrive! Not to just sit around and grow mold. This is my year. This is my time, what other time is there? Am I supposed to be waiting for some divine moment to shine? Some time in the space time continuim to open up and light to heat my face with an angelic chior singing my ultimate God-given purpose to me? Or am I supposed to decide to do what it is that God set on my heart when I was born. Actually just decide to go for it no matter what the consequences be.

Screw SATAN! He can't have me anymore I'm finished being his tool by not doing a thing to live out my purpose. I've had enough of being scared. Being scared of cancer, of being looked at as odd, being scared of what people MIGHT think about me. It doesn't matter. If you don't like it, guess what? There's the door... or in this case the exit button.

It's on now.

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