Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 31 Burn the witch!

I like how all of us adults have relegated bullying to the youth... We fail to see the grown up versions of bullying like emotional abuse, verbal assaults based on our own moral judgment calls and finally manipulation. I see all of these things on a daily basis in places like family, church and with in adult friendships. How do we expect our children to act differently?

It's so easy to peg people into categories and then judge them accordingly- which is funny because we all have our own versions of what the worst sin is. You talk to some people and they would rather sit next to an bank robber than a homosexual.

We hear stories of how in the old times they would burn you if they thought you were a witch or throw you over a cliff... if you flew back up in the sky you were a witch and got away, however if you were innocent you plummeted to your demise.

Have you bullied anyone over the edge? Lord help us.


1 comment:

  1. The only thing I can say to this is... "like." Words escape me...
