Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 33 I'm hungry...

Did you ever get a craving for something like pizza and there isn't any in the house? You don't have the money to order out and there isn't anything in the fridge to make some so you eat something else, usually followed by something else and topped with more of something else. Nothing else seems to satisfy that craving except for the real thing. No matter how much we substitute other things, no matter how initially satisfying they are- it just doesn't compare.

When I was pregnant all I wanted to eat was cereal and ice cream I could not get enough milk products. After giving birth the doctors informed me of a calcium deficiency!

So stop and listen. Listen to your soul. Get quiet, alone, and listen. What are you craving? What is the one thing you desire? The answer may surprise you.

It surprised me.


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