Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 33 Imprisoned

I don't think it's an accident there are many times in the Bible believers have found themselves in prison. The word is found in the Bible 90 times. In most cases the person was wrongfully placed there or put there because of their beliefs. My question to you is this...
Are you in prison because of your beliefs?

Obviously I'm not speaking of a literal prison, but a place in your heart and mind where you feel trapped or constrained by your beliefs-held back, pinned down, suffocated even. Maybe you feel oppressed by others beliefs. Either way it seems backwards to me.

I had found myself feeling more and more constricted. I didn't have peace and freedom which was what God had promised me. Was it because God was lying or had I built so many walls and chained myself down with doctrine that I felt like I was being held hostage. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. The very definition of abundant is plentiful or more than we need, so why do we walk around like zombies?

My theory is that I try to have everything I want instead of waiting for God to supply all I need. I interrupt His blessings with my agenda, I ignore his grace and wear my sin like a millstone, and I choose to focus on my past with all it's failures rather than a future of hope that He has promised me.

Love, at a certain point, is a decision. So just as I make a conscious decision to brush my teeth I have to decide to love me enough to let God close enough to break away the walls and cut the chains.

Then, when I am open and vulnerable, eyes squinting at the new found light, I will be free.


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