Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 36 I'll take a small order of Jesus no pickles

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Although this verse is in the Bible in black and white growing up in the church doesn't allow space for a young person to question. It's sad really, that's the time you should be encouraged to ask, learn, experiment, and find out what it is you really want to know. Instead, we are encouraged to sit quietly in the pew nodding in agreement the whole while stuffing our gut reactions down until we can't hear them anymore and we take all we hear from the pulpit as truth because a "Man of God" is speaking. We place them on a pedistal. In my opinion out of shear laziness on our parts. If we have someone to interpret, pray, and feed us then we don't have to get messy. It's like stopping at McChurch for a quick bite of religion.

I looked at the church to "feed" me for a long time. I liken it to that documentary "Fast Food Nation"... you are what you eat. If you constantly feed yourself fatty foods then you yourself become unhealthy and fat. If you are constantly downing religion with out any forethought on your own you run the risk of turning into what you've consumed and depending on who you trust to minister to you it could mean trouble.

Stop and think when someone gives you a snippet, a sound byte, a quote, or a parable... ask yourself these questions-
1. Is it biblical? Is this quote actually in scriptures or is it a paraphrased or misquoted verse, perhaps taken out of context
2. Do you trust the source? Just because someone has a collar doesn't mean they are perfect or have all of the answers
3. Don't trust your feelings. They lie and have little to do with the truth, if you want to trust something then trust the instinct the good Lord gave you! Research it.

It is my hope and prayer that I bring up my children in a household that it is ok to question and disagree, to form their own opinions and personal theology and not just trust me because I'm human.... very human.



  1. When Iggy and I were going through marriage counseling we learned that we are completely opposite kinds of believers. When I was saved it was all feelings based. I can believe without seeing, I never question, I love God and that is all I know. Iggy likes to do his research. He knows a lot of the Biblical stories and he has questions that I find very difficult to answer so I usually just end up saying "Well God can do whatever he wants to do in this situation." lol Pastor Rudy let us know that we are great together because you need both kinds of Faith. It is very important to dig deeper to get to know God not know religious people and it is equally crucial to understand that we dont have all the answers but to trust Him.

    Thank you for sharing Crystal. I love your insights and ability to shine light on great life/ church topics.

  2. Raya thank you for your comment. I do agree there are different types of faith which make us unique. For me personally I accepted things as truth for a long time without questioning and ended up in a very dark place. When the rubber hit the road and my life as I knew it fell apart my theology had little to do with what was real. I lived my life based principals that were false even though they came from well meaning believers and good people. This was an extremely painful period in my life because it was literally like doing surgery to remove those lies... and you don't get knocked out for that kind. It hurt like hell. It was hell.
