Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 1

Starting is so easy for me- it's finishing that gets tough. All my life I've been told that to be closer to God you must pray and read your Bible... However, I disagree. Not completely, don't get me wrong, these are important. But I think it's more important to listen. Listen with your whole life. What does that mean? I plan on finding out.

Well after "knowing Jesus" for almost my entire life it took 3+ years of intense trial and heart break to finally listen.

So I dumped my shoe box, the one that held everything I EVER believed about God, Church, and being a Christian and I'm listening. God teach me.


  1. This is such a cool way to log your progress! This could be a book one day. You are such an inspiration. I just wanted to share that I wrote down a quote yesterday from the book "Crazy Love" that fits your post.

    "Do not rush into God's presence with words. That's what fools do" p. 25

    Love you Girl!

  2. Wow. Thanks Raya:) And I love the quote...get's ya thinking!
