Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 2 Dirty Laundry

I'm thinking right now is a good time to share my struggles with you in a short but sweet manner and that way you can decide for yourself if you can relate to me. Because ultimately- if you don't relate to me- much of what I say will be useless to you...

I've always hated laundry. Everything about it sucks- touching other peoples unmentionables, sorting, washing each to there own specs, going down to a cold scary basement to switch loads, carrying the heavy piles up and down two flights of stairs, folding and putting it away- blech! But there is something about this process that is spiritual if you think about it. Today I'm going to "air my dirty laundry"...

Load 1: Weight- a heavy one to think about and carry.
Load 2: Money- never enough of it, and when there was (once upon a time) I squandered it.
Load 3: Relationships- I'm hard to get close to, hard to manage when you are, not to mention a tad self-centered.
Load 4: Religion- for lack of a better term this refers to my relationship with God, the way I portray that to others, and the road of recovery from years of indoctrination in the 'church'.

So I've sorted it, touched it, owned it, and starting tomorrow we'll clean up the mess one day at a time. Starting with number one, weight.... ugh... God I love you, but this is going to be way harder than I thought.


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