Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 6 I'm listening...

Something has changed in me in these past few days. Listening instead of talking when I pray. Most times all I hear is silence, or my mind switches gears and I start thinking of the laundry, dishes, money, etc. But it's still blessing me to be quiet with God, even if it only lasts a few minutes.

You know when you've got that friend you can just chill with, no expectations, if you fell asleep they'd cover you with a blanket, and not magic marker- that's how I see God in part. I can't possibly grasp the entire being of God, He's too big and powerful. So small glimpses of God help me know Him better, but don't describe Him in entirety. You'll have to excuse my randomness this morning....

So have you ever been up before the sun and hear the birds chirping? That's happened to me a few times before. This morning I thought, "why are they singing? it's so dark?" but they knew that the sun was coming. God I wish I had that faith. When my darkest time came I couldn't sing, and even if I had the ability I'm sure I wouldn't have. I wasn't sure the sun was coming out ever again. I curled up and laid down out of exhaustion, defeat and hopelessness, and instead of walking away, He covered me.



  1. He makes such a comfy blanket, doesn't He? All soft like well worn cashmere (His touch), all covering (His love), and no holes (the completeness of His forgiveness for me/you), Sometimes I ignore that fact that all I need to do is turn to Him when I am desperate, because He has been right there beside, behind, before me the whole time.......

  2. Wait, so are you saying that I am like God??? HEE HEE HEE. I would never use permanent marker, washable, maybe!!!!
    I wish I could see God as a that sunggly blanket. Its funny but when I feel like I need that blanket the most, no matter where I go searching for it, it is not there. And no, I am not still talking about an actual blanket!

  3. Ang, I couldn't agree with you more. During the darkest time I didn't "feel" Him at all, after the "sun came out" I realized He was there- I just didn't see Him. He covered me in the sense He surrounds me in my darkest hour even when I can't feel or see Him because He promised He would never leave or forsake me... I still struggle with this in trials.
