Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 3 Weigh way down...

Alright I have a theory... bare with me this may not come out great, but hopefully will make sense.

In my first blog I wrote that I thought the best way to grow closer to God is to "listen with your whole life". Way down in the depths of us I think each area of our lives(physical, spiritual, emotional, etc) is a portal that could potentially let God in, that we could hear Him calling us. However, they get caked up with things we do on our own free will, and things done to us by the world like circumstances and others using their free will to hurt us. You see, there are places in my life so gunked up with baggage and issues that I couldn't hear God screaming my name if I tried....

The first portal that came to my mind was weight because, well... I can see it everyday, I'm reminded of how helpless I feel, how I am held back by a fat suit- so to speak. Of course I have tried everything that's come along, and even made a valiant effort at living organic and working out 6 days a week for several months. All of these failed because I never searched myself truly to see the reason I eat what I do in the manner that I do. At the bottom of this mess is the desire to be comforted and full, not to eat- but eating is what has been filling that need- OUCH!

Ok, this is painful but in a way it is also freeing.

Do yourself a favor and think about the portals to your heart, what's keeping God and people out?


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